Maxwell Timeline
1914 Born, July 15th, Elrig, near Monreith (Dumfries & Galloway). Education: Stowe School & Oxford University
1945 Begins the shark fishery(1945-48) on Soay that inspires his first novel
1952 Harpoon at a venture published
1956 Acquires first otter Mijbil. Published God Protect Me from My Friends
1957 Mijbil killed by workman. A Reed Shaken by the Wind published, about the Marsh Arabs of Iraq.
1959 Acquires Edal. Published The Pains of Death
1960 Ring of Bright Water published - eventual sales total over 1 million. Teko arrives at Sandaig (8 months old)
1962 The Otters Tale published.
1963 The Rocks Remain published. Maxwell buys the Eilean Bàn cottages
1965 The House of Elrig published
1966 Lords of the Atlas published
1968 Sandaig (Camusfearna) cottage destroyed by fire. Death of Edal. Published Raven Seek Thy Brother
1969 Film version of Ring of Bright Water
1969 Maxwell died of cancer, September 7th, Inverness. Teko died of heart attack on 21st September